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Explore Energy journeys to the heart of Stanford’s clean energy

As an inaugural resident of the Explore Energy theme house, I visited the Lemoore Solar Farm on Friday to tour the heart of the University’s source of clean energy.

A four-hour bus drive south of campus to Lemoore, Calif. in Central Valley lies the Stanford Solar Generating Station #2. The 2,400 acre expanse of solar panels, inverters and batteries that compose Stanford’s primary source of clean energy is part of the larger Slate project that began operations in March of 2022. The power plant utilizes approximately 1 million bifacial solar panels manufactured by Canadian Solar.

“We saw a new, massive solar complex co-located with battery storage. To say this is rare to come by would be a gross understatement,” Kevin Liang M.S. ‘23 said about this unique opportunity to visit the solar farm.

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